In addition to the information presented below, check out the Antir Autocrat Tools and Resources, so you’re fully prepared.
So you’re thinking about being the event steward for an event . . . first of all, thank you!
We appreciate your willingness to consider this important job.
Allowing Wyewood and our guests to have a good time, meet new people, learn new skills and maybe make some money.
It’s important that you have a good time, too; after all, you’re one of us–and a successful event steward is a much-appreciated asset to any group.
So it’s in Wyewood’s best interest to help you do the best job you can.
No event steward is an island; you will be part of a team.
Communications with your various helpers is essential; it makes for a smoother event and repeat volunteers.
No one knows everything, nor is anyone expected to–asking questions is fine and certainly beats making avoidable mistakes.
Every event is different; the following suggestions and guidelines are meant as a framework to help you feel comfortable as you learn.
It is not meant as the complete guide to being an event steward under all possible circumstances.
The aim is to guide you through planning an event and putting together a bid in accordance with Society and local rules.
A guide that should create the least amount of stress possible.
We hope you’ll find it useful.
- Would there need to be a deposit? Refundable?
- Is there a cancellation fee?
- How far in advance need the site be rented?
- What dates are currently available for this site?
- Is someone from the owner’s staff required to be on site during the event?
(Janitors and security personnel are the most usual requirements in these cases.) - Do they need to be paid in addition to the site rental cost?
- How many people are allowed to occupy the site?
(If an indoor site, there are usually fire marshal regulations in this regard.) - How much parking is there?
- What are the hours of accessibility?
- What are the site’s facilities?
- Are there any facilities on the site that are not included in the site rental?
- What dates are available?
- Is there potable water on site? Is it included in the site rental?
- Trash removal?
- Would biffies need to be rented?
- Restrictions on open fires?
- What is the emergency access route?
- Alcohol policy?
- Restrictions on collecting money on site?
- Is there a kitchen?
What are its features?
Is its use included in the site rental? - Are there tables and chairs included with the site? How many?
- Will someone be at the site to contact for plugged drains, burst water heaters and such? If not, how do we get in touch with the owner/caretaker?
- What happens when it rains? Does the whole site turn into a bog?
- Is the ground rocky, wooded, hilly, flat?
- Are there streams or rivers on the site?
- If grassy, would the site be mowed before the event?
- Are there restrictions on driving cars onto any areas of the site?
Many more questions may occur to you, depending on the circumstances. Ask them all. Make notes of the answers, with whom you spoke, and the date.
Do not offer to get an insurance certificate.
Talk this over with the Seneschal first.
This may need to be added to your time line list.
The Seneschal will be able to help with information on how long this takes.
If the owner or manager says one is needed, find out just what is required, this includes any special wording that may be needed on the certificate.
Again, talk to the Seneschal about it.
These can be obtained if need be.
You are just in the information gathering stage.
Now you have found a potential site, and it’s time for the next step.
Date Considerations
Sit down with your assistant event steward and take a look at the Crier, with special attention to the Calendar.
Check the online version at
See what events are happening in your area around the time you want,
Try to avoid conflicting with those that are likely to appeal to pretty much the same crowd you expect to attract.
If you are unsure about what may be considered in conflict with your event, contact the Kingdom Calendar Deputy directly at
The rules regarding event conflicts change, and it is always best to be sure.
So you’ve found a date you like, and it appears to be clear.
You’ve checked back with the site and it’s still available at that time.
Now it’s time to take a look at Worksheet A, the Site Fee Worksheet.
You should now have all the information you need to compute the site costs and site fee.
Pencil is OK (actually, recommended) at this point.
If you’re not having a feast, and there is no extra camping fee involved, you’re done with that sheet.
If you are having a feast, hold on, we’re coming to that part.
There is one other thing that you may need to consider, and that is whether your proposed event is subject to the Non-Member Surcharge, or NMS for short.
Talk to the Seneschal and Exchequer for more information.
Part 2 – Details
- Guide for Event Stewards – Getting Started
- Guide for Event Stewards Event Details
- Guide for Event Stewards Getting Event Approved
- Guide for Event Stewards Final Details