Event Steward’s Log

Event Steward’s Log: At the business meeting at FCS, I asked who could forward the Facebook message about Arts Unframed to other local branches. I wrote down who agreed to send to which branch. Over the next day, as people told me when they shared the event, I checked them off my list. People I didn’t hear from specifically, I sent a private message to ask if they forwarded the event. I did end up getting the event shared on FB with all the local groups I was aiming for. In addition, I continued to have e-mail conversations with Tymme as the website is readied. I’ll release that info after Junefaire, because to send it out right before a major regional event seems like it’ll get buried in posts related to this weekend. In addition, I made biffy postings and handouts to take to Junefaire myself. Since Junefaire has a large A&S contingent, it will be an ideal time to promote my event one-on-one and get Laurels signed up to participate.