Category Archives: Officer Roles

Office of Chronicler

Position Description

TN-ChroniclerThe Chronicler is responsible for publishing the Wye’s Mouth, the newsletter for Wyewood.
The Chronicler is also in charge of keeping the history of Wyewood, taking minutes at official Wyewood meetings, and supervising maintenance of the Wyewood web site.


The Chronicler of a Local Branch of the SCA must be a current member of the SCA, Inc.
You must maintain your SCA Membership for the duration of your term in office.
Terms of office in Wyewood is traditionaly two years.
The applicant must be at least 18 years of age in order to hold this office.

Although not required for this office, it is recommended that the Chronicler have a working telephone number.
As email has become the approved medium for the dissemination of information and communication within the Barony and the Kingdom at large, daily access to both email and the Internet is recommended.


Edit and publish the Wyewood newsletter (the Wye’s Mouth) on a regular schedule.
As electronic formats come and go, it is recommended that all issues of the newsletter be printed and kept in the Chronicler’s files.
Although not a requirement of the office, it is recommended that you have some editing experience and, since at present the Wye’s Mouth is presented electronically on the web site, some experience with HTML or other web publishing formats should be helpful.

Keep copies of articles, artwork, and other items submitted for publication in the newsletter.

Take minutes at business meetings, officers meetings, and other Barony meetings as appropriate.
Minutes of the business meeting should be made available to the populace, usually by inclusion in the next published newsletter.

Maintain a history or Grete Boke for Wyewood.

Send complimentary copies of the newsletter to the King, Queen, Crown Prince and Princess (if applicable), Kingdom Seneschal, and Kingdom Chronicler.

Submit required reports to the Kingdom Chronicler.
A newsletter is sufficient as a report, provided that it contains minutes for business meetings, including an attendance count.

The Chronicler is expected to inventory and maintain any Barony regalia, property and records assigned to or held by them.
They are expected to transfer these items in good order to their successor or to the Seneschal if no successor exists.
They are expected to arrange advertising for, or the training of a successor.
They are expected to attend regular officer and business meetings unless prior arrangements are agreed to.
They are expected to submit a yearly office budget to the Barony Financial Committee.

Maintain the printed handbook and update as needed to keep in compliance with the governing documents of the SCA, Inc.

Office of Herald

Position Description

TN-HeraldThe Herald is the officer responsible for coordinating heraldic activities within Wyewood.
As per the An Tir Handbook the Herald will handle courts and ceremony, track awards, and assist in the process of registering the names and devices of Wyewood members.


The Herald of a Local Branch of the SCA must be a current member of the SCA, Inc.
You must maintain your SCA Membership for the duration of your term in office.
Terms of office in Wyewood is traditionaly two years.
The applicant must be at least 18 years of age in order to hold this office.

Although not required for this office, it is recommended that the Herald have a working telephone number.
As email has become the approved medium for the dissemination of information and communication within the Barony and the Kingdom at large, daily access to both email and the Internet is recommended.


Supervise and/or coordinate heraldic activities at local events.
Attend events sponsored by your branch and coordinate field and court heraldry at the event, or arrange for this to be done.
This does not mean that the herald has to do everything—just that they have to make sure it gets done by someone.

Keep copies of submissions forms and other heraldic paperwork on hand, to be available to the populace.

Ensure that information is made available to Wyewood concerning heraldic activities in the general area and Kingdom.

Be available at Full Contact Socials and other Wyewood activities and events to answer heraldic questions and help with name, device, and badge submissions.
Assist individuals with heraldic submissions.

Be available to herald court for Wyewood’s Royal Representatives (or arrange for the heralding to happen by someone else).

Hold regular heraldry nights, if there is sufficient interest among the populace to warrant doing so.

The Herald is expected to inventory and maintain any Barony regalia, property and records assigned to or held by them.
They are expected to transfer these items in good order to their successor or to the Seneschal if no successor exists.
They are expected to arrange advertising for, or the training of a successor.
They are expected to attend regular officer and business meetings unless prior arrangements are agreed to.
They are expected to submit a yearly office budget to the Barony Financial Committee.

Maintain the printed handbook and update as needed to keep in compliance with the governing documents of the SCA, Inc.

Office of Arts and Sciences Minister

Position Description

TN-ArtsAndSciencesThe Arts and Sciences Minister is the officer responsible for Arts and Sciences activities within Wyewood.
As defined by Corpora: “responsible for fostering the study of period culture and technology, and of methods for producing historically accurate artifacts and performances.”


The Arts and Sciences Minister of a Local Branch of the SCA must be a current member of the SCA, Inc.
You must maintain your SCA Membership for the duration of your term in office.
Term of office in Wyewood is traditionaly two years.
The applicant must be at least 18 years of age in order to hold this office.

Although not required for this office, it is recommended that the Arts and Sciences Minister have a working telephone number.
As email has become the approved medium for the dissemination of information and communication within the Barony and the Kingdom at large, daily access to both email and the Internet is recommended.


Supervising, organizing and promoting A and S activities at local events.
This does not mean that the A and S Minister has to teach every class or know all there is about medieval art and science.

Ensuring that information is made available to Wyewood concerning A and S activities in the general area and Kingdom.

Keeping records on all A and S activities in Wyewood and keeping records on all Wyewood A and S events.

Submission of required quarterly reports to the appropriate superior A and S representative, and the Wyewood Seneschal.
Also keep a copy in your office files.
Monthly Barony reports are published to the Wyewood email list.
Additional information may be published in the Barony newsletter (Wye’s Mouth) by contacting the Chronicler.

The A and S Minister is expected to inventory and maintain any Barony regalia, property and records assigned to or held by them.
They are expected to transfer these items in good order to their successor or to the Seneschal if no successor exists.
They are expected to arrange advertising for, or the training of a successor.
They are expected to attend regular officer and business meetings unless prior arrangements are agreed to.
They are expected to submit a yearly office budget to the Barony Financial Committee.

Maintain the printed handbook and update as needed to keep in compliance with the governing documents of the SCA, Inc.

Office of Chatelaine

Position Description

TN-ChatelaineThe Chatelaine is the newcomer information officer.
The Chatelaine may be referred to as a Castellan or Hospitaller in other branches.

The Chatelaine is responsible for the introduction of the Society to new and prospective members.
The Chatelaine assists in providing education pertaining to the conventions of the current middle ages, the Kingdom, and this branch;
The Chatelaine is to encourage active participation and period behaviors within the Society;
The Chatelaine, coordinating with their deputy, Gold Key, is to help make period style clothing accessible to new members;
The Chatelaine is also responsible for assisting in maintaining the Wyewood library.


The Chatelaine of a Local Branch of the SCA must be a current member of the SCA, Inc.
You must maintain your SCA Membership for the duration of your term in office.
Term of office in Wyewood is traditionally two years.
The applicant must be at least 18 years of age in order to hold this office.

Although not required for this office, it is recommended that the Chatelaine have a working telephone number.
As email has become the approved medium for the dissemination of information and communication within the Barony and the Kingdom at large, daily access to both email and the Internet is recommended.


The Chatelaine is usually the first person newcomers officially deal with in the Society.
As such, the Chatelaine is usually the person that provides information regarding all aspects of the Society, its rules, and how to enjoy the activities associated with the Society.
The Chatelaine provides a valuable and necessary service within the Society.
While the Chatelaine’s Office is not difficult to administer, there are a number of duties directly associated with this office.
To that end, the following are a list of those duties and a brief explanation of each duty.

1. Ensuring that there is a representative of the Chatelaine’s Office present at all Wyewood events.
It is likely there will be newcomers at any given event and they will have questions.
You will need to answer their questions and encourage them in becoming members of the Society.
It is not necessary for you to personally be in attendance at every Wyewood event, but if the Chatelaine is not present, the Deputy Chatelaine, Gold Key or other designated individual may represent the Chatelaine’s Office in your stead.

2. Supervising and coordinating newcomer activities and demonstrations (demos) at local events.
Periodically, you will make arrangements for knowledgeable individuals to teach informative beginner classes or present demonstrations on a variety of subjects regarding the Society, both period and modern in aspect, at socials or other local Wyewood events.
You are not responsible for teaching or attending any of these classes, but you may do so at your own discretion.

3. Providing access to educational information for newcomers and newer members.
The Chatelaine provides a wide variety of educational materials in the form of handouts, booklets, and pamphlets to interested newcomers at socials and other local events.
These materials are derived from a variety of sources, and are directly applicable to participation in the Society.
You should be familiar with all of these materials, and readily able to explain their significance and application to interested individuals.

4. Organizing and attending demos, both for recruitment and educational purposes.
From time to time, you will receive requests from individuals or organizations outside the Society for educational demos.
It is the responsibility of the Chatelaine, working closely with the Seneschal, to ensure that any information that goes out to the public conveys a true sense of the purpose and intent of the SCA.
It is not necessary for the Chatelaine to attend or directly participate in demos, but to act as a coordinator for the demos.
Instead of the Chatelaine, the Seneschal may designate another individual to coordinate demos.

5. Keeping newcomer records on all Wyewood events.
Include such pertinent information as name, contact number, and areas of interest.
This information is used in the reporting process on both a local and Kingdom level.
You also will need this information to follow up on prospective new members to insure their easy transition into the Society.

6. Submitting required quarterly reports to the Kingdom Deputy Chatelaine for the Western Area and the Wyewood Seneschal.
Keep a copy of all reports in your office files.
Monthly reports are due to the Wyewood Seneschal prior to the monthly Officers’ Meeting and are given verbally at both the Officers’ Meeting and the Monthly Business Meeting.
In your report, provide a brief overview of the reporting period, including all events where the Chatelaine’s services were provided.
Include the number and type of newcomer contacts and member outcomes, any demos requested or attended, and classes taught.
Discuss any problems encountered or resolved, and give a short accounting for deputies and lesser offices relating to the Chatelaine’s Office.
All reports may be sent using either standard mail or e-mail.
If the Chatelaine’s Office was not active during any given reporting period, indicate this in your report by using the phrase “No Activity to report”.

7. Maintaining the Library.
Wyewood is required to have a library and obtain, through gift or purchase, current copies of:
The Known World Handbook;
The Organizational Handbook (a.k.a. Corpora);
The An Tir Handbook;
The Laws of An Tir;
The An Tir Book of Combat;
Additionally, whatever resources the branch deems appropriate, including the officer manuals and handbooks.
The Chatelaine’s Office is responsible for maintaining the library unless the branch has a librarian or delegates the responsibility to another officer.
These items belong to Wyewood as a branch of the SCA, Inc., and need to be used by Wyewood.

The Chatelaine is expected to inventory and maintain any Barony regalia, property and records assigned to or held by them.
They are expected to transfer these items in good order to their successor or to the Seneschal if no successor exists.
They are expected to arrange advertising for, or the training of a successor.
They are expected to attend regular officer and business meetings unless prior arrangements are agreed to.
They are expected to submit a yearly office budget to the Barony Financial Committee.

Maintain the printed handbook and update as needed to keep in compliance with the governing documents of the SCA, Inc.

Deputies and Lesser Offices

The Chatelaine’s Office currently includes deputy positions of Gold Key and Librarian.

Gold Key:

The office of Gold Key maintains a collection of clothing, accessories and feast gear that a branch keeps on hand to loan to guests and new members.
The Gold Key officer is in charge of maintaining this collection; making sure it gets to and from events when needed;
and setting up a system for loan and retrieval of the items.
Neither the Gold Key officer nor the Chatelaine is responsible for making or providing permanent garb for newcomers.
The Gold Key officer may collect fabrics or raise funds to buy fabrics for Gold Key items, arrange sewing bees, solicit donations of suitable articles from branch members, or find other appropriate means of amassing a collection.
Gold Key reports to the Chatelaine on a monthly basis.
Keeping track of how often the collection is used, at which events, and which items are borrowed the most frequently will help the Gold Key and Chatelaine focus their efforts.
The Gold Key Officer must maintain an inventory of all items in Gold Key, including any storage boxes or containers.
These items belong to Wyewood as a branch of the SCA, Inc., and need to be used by the Gold Key successors.


Office of Exchequer

Position Description

TN-ExchequerThe Exchequer is the officer responsible for all financial activities within Wyewood.

As defined by Corpora:

“The Exchequer is responsible for maintaining the financial records of the Barony, supervising the finances of the Barony, and assembling financial reports and submitting them to the Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer in a timely fashion.”

The Exchequer position cannot be vacant at any time for a Branch to maintain its active status.


The Exchequer of a Local Branch of the SCA must be a current member of the SCA, Inc.
You must maintain your SCA Membership for the duration of your term in office.
Terms of office in Wyewood is traditionaly two years.
The applicant must be at least 18 years of age in order to hold this office.

Although not required for this office, it is recommended that the Exchequer have a working telephone number.
As email has become the approved medium for the dissemination of information and communication within the Barony and the Kingdom at large, daily access to both email and the Internet is recommended.
Also recomended is daily access to Microsoft Office, or software like it.


Supervise, maintain and oversee all financial aspects of Wyewood.

Be familiar with the Financial Policys of the SCA, An Tir Financial, and Wyewood.

Ensure that information is made available to Wyewood concerning all finances of the Barony.

Submit required reports to the Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Wyewood Seneschal, Wyewood’s Royal Representatives, and any other member of Wyewood’s Financial Committee.
Currently, reports are required to be sent quarterly to the Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer by the fifteenth of April, July, and October.
The yearly Doomsday Report, a calculation of the Barony for the preceding year is due on the fifteenth of January.

Attend the monthly Wyewood Officers’ Meeting and the monthly Wyewood Business meeting.

Keep records on all Events held in Wyewood, this includes all contracts, receipts and any other pertinent information.

The Exchequer is expected to inventory and maintain any Barony regalia, property and records assigned to or held by them.
They are expected to transfer these items in good order to their successor or to the Seneschal if no successor exists.
They are expected to arrange advertising for, or the training of a successor.
They are expected to attend regular officer and business meetings unless prior arrangements are agreed to.
They are expected to submit a yearly office budget to the Barony Financial Committee.

Maintain the printed handbook and update as needed to keep in compliance with the governing documents of the SCA, Inc

Office of Seneschal

Position Description

SeneschalThe Seneschal is the legal representative of the branch.
The Seneschal has the authority to sign all contracts.
The Seneschal shall make sure that things are done pursuant to the restrictions of all Modern, Corpora and Kingdom Law.
The Seneschal will work with the Chatelaine to handle all public relations, and conduct the business meetings.
The Seneschals coordinate the other branch officers.
The Seneschal is a required to be a signer to the group bank account.
The Seneschal position cannot be vacant at any time for a Branch to maintain its active status.


The Seneschal of a Local Branch of the SCA must be a current member of the SCA, Inc.
You must maintain your SCA Membership for the duration of your term in office.
Terms of office in Wyewood is traditionally two years.
The applicant must be at least 18 years of age in order to hold this office.

Although not required for this office, it is recommended that the Seneschal have a working telephone number.
As email has become the approved medium for the dissemination of information and communication within the Barony and the Kingdom at large, daily access to both email and the Internet is recommended.

The Branch Seneschal is not responsible to supervise the other officers, but instead to aid in the their cooperative efforts.
The applicant should have a working knowledge of all offices within the branch.
The branch Seneschal is also expected to hold needed vacant offices and all the duties of that office on a temporary basis as long as this does not conflict with Corpora or Kingdom law.


Organizes and presides over the Barony of Wyewood monthly business meeting.
This meeting is to review ongoing business of the Barony (event planning, officer reports, activity reports, guild reports, etc.).

It is the duty of the Seneschal to:

  1. Collect and post the agenda for the meeting
  2. Inform the populace of the location and time of the meeting
  3. Reserve a place for the meeting
  4. Chair the meeting
    1. post the business meeting notice to the email list
    2. print out an agenda for the meeting
    3. receive activity and officer reports

The Seneschal provides quarterly reports on the Barony’s status to their principality superior as well as a year-end summary.

The Seneschal shall receive copies of the quarterly reports from the other officers of the Barony.

There are quarterly Kingdom Curia meetings that the Seneschal should attend.
These occur at 12th Night, Crowns and Coronation.
A representative should be sent if the Seneschal can not attend.
The meetings are open to anyone.
Curia meetings other than Kingdom level, but including multiple branches are ad-hoc and infrequent.
The Seneschal or appointed representative should attend.

The Seneschal must review the monthly bank statement with the Exchequer.
Reviewing the checkbook and make sure each check issued has 2 signatures.

Engage in the daily business of the Barony such as but not limited to:
officer change forms, event forms, review and sign contracts, answer inquiries through mail or email, review autocrat progress.

Maintain a Seneschal’s notebook including:

Blank forms people might need at any event the Seneschal attends, Copies of all of the Officer submissions forms for reference, Waiver forms, Legal documents such as Corpora, Kingdom Law and SCA proof of insurance, and Nice to have information, etc.

Seneschal-held items may at minimum include:

Framed Wyewood charter, Silver belt key, P.O. box key, Seneschal notebooks, Barony files

The Seneschal shall be a co-signer of the Doomsday report–the year-end of the financial activities for the year:
money in, money out, any changes in inventory, etc.
The Exchequer produces this report and at the start of the new-year reviews the content of the report with the financial committee of the Barony
The Seneschal is required to be a member of the Financial Committee.

At any Wyewood event where Waivers are required the Seneschal must assure that copies of Kingdom Law and the Organizational Handbook are available.

The Seneschal is expected to inventory and maintain any Barony regalia, property and records assigned to or held by them.
They are expected to transfer these items in good order to their successor.
They are expected to arrange advertising for, or the training of a successor.
They are expected to attend regular officer and business meetings unless prior arrangements are agreed to.
They are expected to submit a yearly office budget to the Barony Financial Committee.

Maintain the printed handbook and update as needed to keep in compliance with the governing documents of the SCA, Inc.