All practices are subject to change on short notice due to weather or facility availability.
Contact the Baronial Archery Marshal, HL Evrard de Valogne, or the Baronial Rapier Marshal, Don Thorbjorn Askni, if you will need specific equipment.
Theme: Discuss how the Ithra feast went and any upcoming planned events, I believe they are Champions and Yule, with Feasts (both Symmone & Sopia will be head chef at events this year). We will not be doing any cooking.
Theme: Soups for Ithra (Peas/Split Pea, Hens In Broth/Chicken soup, &
We may not get all of them done, but I have everything for the Split Pea &
Location: 4412 S 160th Street Tukwila, WA 98188 (please park on the street
in the pull outs) Map Address is a little hard to see, but there is a yellow post in the shared
driveway with 4410 on it.
Request for Feast at Champions on August 8th, will discuss logistics.
A Head Cook will be needed to set up the menu as well as coordinate with
Vashti & Constantia.
On February 28th, it looks like we will be moving all of our baronial stuff from our existing storage unit to the new and improved one. Volunteers will be cheerfully accepted. I expect to start about 9 am. Thank you in advance for the help.
This is a reminder that the first lesson in our basic heraldry series will be at FCS on Friday! It will start at 7:30 and last 20-30 minutes. There will be no handout, so bring note-taking materials if you would like.
This installment will include historical background and uses of armorial heraldry, as well as the basics about tinctures and their use. We may begin to do simple blazon practice depending on time and inclination of attendees.
Esclarmonde de Porcairages intends to have a total of 3 lessons over the coming months.
In Service,
Esclarmonde de Porcairages
Consulting deputy to Tvorimir Blak Shepe
On Saturday, February 14th, from 10am to 1ish, will be our annual “Enhanced Practice” titled Cupid Gets the Shaft.
This will be at the practice range near IKEA, loaner gear will be available. As usual there is no site fee or medieval garb required. And also as usual there will also be no Royal Rounds or IKACs being shot.
What there will be though is:
Novelty Shoots
Chocolate & bad candy
Prize Arrows.
Every year we introduce a couple of new shoots to the stand-bys and this year the Ladies have contributed:
“Awww you shouldn’t have! (No really, you shouldn’t have.)” presented by Lady Giulia Stanizi
“50 Shades of Cupid” by Lady Aetheria de Fleury
We are returning:
Conversationally Cupid
Speed Dating & of course
Cupid Gets the Shaft
What to Bring:
Bows and arrows
Friends/Family who just want to have a good time.
Snacks/ Bad candy/ Chocolate
Muck Boots (the range is muddy at best this time of year.)
Rain shade- just in case.
A Donation: express your appreciation of the fun you are having by feeding the Bubba Can!
Hope to see you all there!
Evrard de Valogne
PS: Last year the weather was most uncooperative so we hope to dodge the squalls and have some silly fun on the range. Feel free to petition your Diety of choice that it’s a wonderful rain free day!
My term as Webster is up! It was up in August and I didn’t notice! I would like to step down, and soon.
My ‘platform’ when I applied for the job was that I would redo the Wyewood website in such a way that anyone could be the webster. And now I have done that. You don’t need to know code to update the site anymore! Can you write emails, or comments on websites? Then you have all the technical skill you need to update the website.
I have offered to stay on as the background tech person to make sure the site stays up and running. It’s on my server, so I would have been doing that anyway. The webster just needs to update content as needed, manage the mailing list (not much to be done there), and keep an eye on things at the Facebook group.
Many of you would be great at this! Please apply for the job. Once again: NO CODING SKILL REQUIRED.
Madrone is holding a research paper contest at the Arts and Sciences championship on February 7th 2015 Our Second year of running this competition. So I encourage all of you to participate to make this a success.
Topics the theme of our A & S Champions day is Elizabeth I of England. Papers should be centered around this topic, but it is not required, be creative, be interesting
We would like more applicants to compete for the Wyewood Arts and Sciences Championship. The competition will take place at our December 13 Yule event. The deadline to apply has been extended until November 30.
To apply, email the current champion, Wenyeva atte grene, at, and cc it to the Baron and Baroness at by November 30.
"It matters not where you live; Wyewood is a state of mind."