All posts by Webster

Music Guild Monday

Musicians will meet again at my house this coming Monday at 6:30.

All are welcome. Contact me if you need the address.

Next musical gathering here will be June 29th.

In Service,

Matillis atte hethe
Guild Mistress Company of Cacophony
Barony of Wyewood

Archery Report for 6/10/15

Yesterday was an amazing day to enjoy shooting a little archery at the range!

Eighteen archers took the line and it nearly looked like a class reunion of the SCA archers. Names like Lovell, Kate, Rauthulfr, Osanna, Sebhdann and Marion joined us once again this Wendesday. Don’t be strangers guys!

We had one unusual happening, a brand new string for Osanna almost came completely apart after a couple of arrows downrange. No one injured and it looked worse than it was.

Did you know that every strand of B-50 string is rated for 45 pounds? Lots of redundancy built into a 12 strand bowstring!

To the Scores as 10 of the 18 attending archers recorded Royal Rounds.

Sebhdann ingean Cinaedha: 50
Emma la Rouse d’Argentan: 63
Irene McKenny: (Senior Youth) 49

Dearbhail: 85
Gervias Blakglove: 77

Tymme Lytefelow:94
John de Percy: 94
Avine de Herte: 49

Period Open:
Tristan de Ver: 68

Period Longbow:
Gervais Blakglove: 68

Period Crossbow:
Evrard de Valogne: 108

In Service,
Evrard de Valogne
Chief Archer of Wyewood

Wyewood business meeting minutes 5/22/2015

Wyewood business meeting minutes 5/22/2015
taken by Wyewood Chronicler Vashti of Wyewood (Megan Robertson)
7:10 open
HERALD – (Mir) Esclarmonde has been teaching classes. Mir is cooking up something.
RAPIER- (Don Donato) Rapier is happening. Evrard goes over staying off the grass at the next 3 practises to keep the grass nice for EggFest on 6/6/2015
ARCHERY- (Evrard) Lots happening, more people than ever at practise. We now have 3 butts for TW. We’ll have new hay bales after EggFest. Old hay will be given to Mir for the chickens or composted. Archery cancelled for the next 3 weeks.
A&S- No report
CHATELAINE- (Gwen) One person contacted Gwen. She has KWH with her and they are for sale for $25.
EXCHEQUER- (Sofia) We have $5818.73 in checking and $6693.99 in savings.
CHRONICLER- (Vashti) Working on a new newsletter, hopes to publish once a month. Investigating report submission requirements to Kingdom Chronicler.
CHAMBERLAIN- (Don Donato) Robert has the thrones, everything else from Crown that’s not needed for Junefaire has been taken back to storage.
WEBSTER- (Isadora) Working on a template for End of Event reporting. Referred to Kingdom website for an example.
BARONAGE- (Robert) May Crown was great. (Gabrielle) Will never again *not* warn her Herald or Seneschal when she has presentations in Court. She has been asked to do Queen’s Guard, a great honour. From the Noble Estates meeting at Crown: How do we retain membership? What about a “Come as You Were” event with all our first terrible attempts at garb on display?
Progress- (Gabrielle) Won’t be at Arts Unframed.
Retinue meeting on Tuesday.
Much thanking of retinue for taking care of the B&B
ITHRA- No report.
CHAMPIONS- (Event Stewrd: Vashti) Moving along, most everything in place.
ARTS UNFRAMED- (Event Stewrd: Esclarmonde) Will be at Junefaire to invite people and hang up fliers in biffies.
YULE/ST BUBBA- (Event Steward:) Feast and Rapier tournament. Site is GMVCC. Pre-register for Feast, see bid.
Feast of St. Bubba Bid is voted on and approved.
12TH NIGHT- Crown will not make a decision until July Coronation.
EVENT BID SUBMISSION FORMS- Please add to website.
JULY CORONATION GATE HELP-Lady Fionghuala (sp?) of Midhaven came to ask The Barony for help at gate at July Coronation. Wyewood votes and approves to provide workers for Gate from 10am-2pm on Saturday July 18, 2015.
JUNE 12 COSTUMING CLASS- There will be a costuming class June 12, 2015 with Yvette (Mrs. Spoon).
LAMPWORKING CLASS- July 12, 2015. $6 fee.
BARONIAL MARSHAL REQUIREMENTS- Quarterly report needs to be done. Evrard will fill this postion.
HOSPITALITY- Hospitality is being coordinated by Arabella and Ramona. They are looking for wood bowls and small plates.
Much discussion followed about Event Bid Submission forms.
Meeting closes.

Archery report for 5/9/15

Forty Five people attended a gorgeous Saturday morning practice, FORTY
FIVE! It’s like you guys like archery, rapier and thrown weapons in the
same location or something.
Our Baron and Baroness had a “kangaroo court” (In the Baron’s word’s
“Because you never know when we’re going to pop up!”) to give out the
remaining medallions for last years An Tir Top Ten rankings.
Wyewood earned around one third of all the medallions in all of An Tir last
To put this in perspective, up until 2005, our fair branch had 3
medallions, all shot by children, until Daffyd and August medaled.
Since then we have earned 207 medallions.
We have come a long way from a fledgling canton to a strong barony where
the archers are known and feared.
To the Scores!
Rignach of Argyll: 64- career best!
Daffyd de Doake: 90
Rurik Sokolov: 55

Dearbhail: 77
Wulfwyn: 71

Period Longbow:
Gervais Blakglove: 70
Wulfwyn: 62

Period Crossbow:
John de Percy: 90

Shoot Straight my friends!
Evrard de Valogne,
Chief Archer of Wyewood

Companye of Cacophony

Unto the Great Barony of Wyewood,


The Music Guild, otherwise known as the Companye of Cacophony, will be meeting this coming Monday at 6:30 at my house. All are welcome.

If you need directions, please email Matillis off-list

In Service,

Matillis atte hethe
Guild Mistress Company of Cacophony
Barony of Wyewood

Archery Report for 5/6/15

Our first midweek practice is in the books for the season and 5 archers
took the range…well, we went to the spot where the range is supposed to
be but found it really overgrown with grass. Chest high grass in fact,
amazing what sun and rain can do to that stuff!
There will have to be a range day soon or, seriously, you won’t see the

To the scores!
Evrard de Valogne: 89

Dearbhail ingean ui Donnchaidh: 72

Evrard de Valogne: 86

Period longbow:
Gervais Blakglove: 78

Period Crossbow:
Evrard de Valogne: 106

In Service,
Evrard de Valogne, Chief Archer of Wyewood

Archery Report for 4/25/15

Sorry for the lateness of the report, was having too much fun get ready for
and being at Daffodil Archery shoot!
We had great weather, enough so that the smell of sunscreen was strong in
the air at the beginning of practice.
Eighteen archers attended and many shot Royal Rounds! Something to note;
No one reported a score under 62, so everyone was at least Bowman ranking
which is darn impressive.
To the Scores!
Tomas Mac Donnchaidh: 68
Daffyd de Doake: 91
Tristan de Ver: 87
Irene McKenny: 62

Tristan de Ver: 80

Tymme Lytefelow: 96
Evrard de Valogne: 93

Period Open:
Gervais Blakglove: 74

Period Longbow:
Wulfwyn Aethulwulfsdottir: 62

Period Crossbow:
Christopher McEveny: 63

All scores were reported to the scorekeeper on 4/25.
In service,
Evrard de Valogne

First Wednesday practice coming soon, May 6th!

Greetings Archers!

The sun is lingering in the sky more and more, and fabulous weather has
been welcoming us many mornings. Let’s celebrate that with archery after

This will be at the same location as always at the range near IKEA.

It will start at 4:30 as I am off work at 4pm but work close by. It will
go until 7:30 or until we are too tired to shoot.

This will be a weekly practice, Weather Permitting as always.

Limited loaner gear available so please let me know if you need any!

This is a great time to come relax after a long day, work on form and focus
and just have the fun of watching an arrow/bolt fly.

See you there!

Evrard de Valogne, Chief Archer of Wyewood

Business Meeting – April 24, 2015

Barony of Wyewood
Business Meeting – April 24, 2015
Minutes taken by Gabrielle Lepinay
HERALD: Awards passed, many things in progress. Court report from Spring Faire and Ithra sent in.
RAPIER: Happened. Cancelled tomorrow. Gabri willing to marshal future practices as needed.
CHRONICLER: Resume submitted by Vashti. She was a member of the Communist Party. Gabri asked why she wanted to be a chronicler and she gave excellent reasons and experience. Voted unanimimous for all members present. (6 ½ with baron absent.)
CHAMBERLAIN: Keys should go to seneschal, chamberlain, exchequer and B&B. Only have 3 keys. Need to bump issue to Etienette – action item taken by seneschal. All is well. Stuff is in storage.
ARCHERY: Strong practice with 34 attending, many newcomers. Quiver class was a success.
A&S: No report: Thread workers, culinary, scribal happening.
CHATELAINE: Nothing to report.
EXCHEQUER: Quarterly report sent in, and balanced. We have money.
WEBSTER: Website exists. Working on calendar stability. Checking into hosting everything on
BARONAGE: Baroness War a successful event. Support of many creating largess and supporting the B&B let Wyewood shine. Thomas shot archery for us, and some might great mercinaries fought armored and rapier. The baroness was allowed to shoot arrows and hit people with swords. Emergency coronet made during event a success, and stored with B&B supplies.

Applications for Chronicler: See officer report.
Mar 21-2015 Spring Fair and Ithra- Alamanda absent. Isadora reported NMS check written. The event at the very least broke even. Working on final numbers.
August 8-2015… Champions (Vashti) Event proposal corrected and approved. Need commitment to clean up, and someone or someones attending Crown and June Faire to take flyers to advertise.
Sept26-2015… Arts Unframed (Dame Esclarmonde) Waiting insurance certificate, site secured. Will advertise heavily at Junefaire.
Jan-2017… 12th Night. Per Liadinn there will be no update until after May Crown.

January 16-2016 … Yule “Feast of Saint Bubba” bid (Avine) Possilbe classes, dance, rapier. Discussion of $10 vs $15 feast feee. Discussion in favor of $10. Several options presented. Will revamp and represent at next meeting.
Autocrat/ Event Steward files are on Website- worksheets on site under document.s.
Please let Lady Kira know ASAP is you want to camp with Wyewood at An Tir- West on Facebook or through Baroness or Seneschal.
The Baron will be taking the field at An Tir- West. Evrard requests surcoat be made to make him look good. Haldora/ Nicole volunteered to do this.
Registration is needed for camping with Wyewood at June Faire. Space on the eric also reserved by Ramona- donations for hospitality table very welcome.
Meeting closes.