All posts by Webster

April Business Meeting

APRIL 2016 (4.22.2016) Wyewood business meeting minutes
7:10 open
HERALD – Chirugeon badges need to be resubmitted. Name and Armory progress being made. FCS heraldry classes going well.
ARCHERY- Practises happening. $ turned over to Alessandra. Quiver making class ahead.
RAPIER – Practises are happening. 6+ fighters and 3-4 youth.
CHATELAINE- 1st quarter quiet.
Gabrielle- Stepping down. Ameline will help with polling. Gold Key being worked on. Baroness War was amazing!
Robert – Crown want polling done before Coronation, turnover will happen later.
ARTS UNFRAMED- Eslcarmonde is beginning work.
YULE/ST BUBBA – Feb 4th?
12TH NIGHT- on track.
Xenos – volunteered by Gabrielle to replace our ropes- $150 for pavilion and hanky. Will need ropes from Storage.
Sergeantry Trials up in the air, BAO’s only candidate dropped out.
Ameline stepping in to do polling. Crier copy pending approval. Nominations must be in by May 9th. Letters of intent and SCA resume must be in by May 27. Polling forms will be mailed June 1. Meet & Greet canididates June 10 FCS. Polling form due June 17. All questions should go to Ameline.
And then the Baroness announced that she liked her husband.
Meeting closed 7:56
Vashti of Wyewood, Chronicler
megan Robertson


An announcement from the Crown of An-Tir

Greetings to the populace of Wyewood.

While her excellency and I attended Baroness War this weekend we had the opportunity to meet with the crown about our recent Baronial polling.

During the consultation, we all agreed with the opinion of the crown that there was insufficient support from the populace for Gabri and I to continue with another term.

So, in the near future, the kingdom will be contacting our seneschal and her deputy, to start the likely months long process to select a new set of Baronial Candidates. Gabri and I will continue to serve as your coronets until this process is completed. No one has any idea how long this process will take. But we can make estimates using the the experiences of other baronies to gauge from.

Now is the time for members of our populace to consider who they would like to be the second Baron and Baroness of our Wonderful Barony. Think seriously if any of you would like to volunteer for the position.

We are both grateful for the opportunity to serve the populace of Wyewood and the Crown. We have been honored by the support and friendship of the populace. I has been a fun ride and we’ve enjoyed every minute.

We will say now that neither of us are going anywhere.

We will still be around the Barony. We will just be serving in another way.

In Service to the Crown, Wyewood and the dream.

Robert (de la) Trinitie (the chickenhearted)

Gabrielle Lepinay.

February Wyewood Business Meeting Notes

Wyewood Business Meeting
February 26, 2016 7:15-7:56
Notes from Liadain ni Sheanachain


– Herald – two badge submissions have been returned. Sergeanty badge is pending
– Archery – no report
– Rapier – practice is happening, Sundays 1pm at Kennydale Elementary
– Arts and Sciences – A&S Championship did not happen at St Bubba’s due to lack of entrants; it will happen at a later event. Arts activities (project days, fiber nights, music practice) are happening within the Barony.
– Chatelaine – We have copies of the Known World Handbook available
– Exchequer – checking balance $7814.81, savings $6704.12
– Chronicler – no report
– Chamberlain – no report
– Webster – A test email has been sent out to the officers; please respond as requested.
– Baroness – We are excited about the upcoming polling. Bearwood Lunar Tea was fun.
– Baron – Candalmas events are coming up and so is Baronial polling.

– March 25th will be the Wyewood business meeting and baronial polling.
The Baron and Baroness of Aquaterra (Duchess Angharad and Bryson) will be in attendance as the representatives of the Crown and Kingdom Seneschal to collect the polling forms. Populace members unable to attend in person need to request Absentee Polling Forms by emailing before March 12th.
Reported by Seneschal
– Wyewood Champions has a suggested date of August 6, 2016. This date currently conflicts with Druim Doineann’s Feast or Famine in Port Angeles and is listed as a Level 1 event. Several emails have been sent and a phone call placed with their Seneschal to request that we be able to conflict with their event; we haven’t yet received a response. Lord Xenos has a submitted a bid to be the Event Steward.
Reported by Seneschal
– Arts Unframed had a scheduled date of October 16. Unfortunately this
conflicts with Home Coming. The date will be changed to October 8th. BAO already had their sarjeanty trials scheduled for that date but they will be moving to a different date. A Date Reservation Form for October 8th has been submitted to the Kingdom Calendar.
Reported by Event Steward, Dame Esclarmonde
– Twelfth Night January 2017. 459 room nights have been reserved of a commitment of 405 room nights. The hotel continues to accept new reservations at the SCA rate. I suggest that the Barony reserve a suite on the Penthouse level and will submit information about this prior to the April business meeting. Report by Event Steward, Lady Liadain ni Sheanachain


– Additional sets of the Wyewood serve ware are available for purchase for $80 plus tax. This includes 2 bowls and 2 plates.
– The projector has been returned.
– Ramona/Ealusaid of Clan Blackstag will discuss June Faire Camping at the March business meeting.


– Ameline has brought books and beads and other items for sale.
– Liadain will be hosting project days on Saturday February 27th and Sunday March 13th.

-Liadain ni Sheanachain

March Meeting Minutes

MARCH 2016 March 15.2016 Wyewood business meeting minutes
7:18 open
ARCHERY- Still happening. Weather impacting. May 12 first Thursday practice.
RAPIER – 3-4 fighters, fluctuating some.
A&S- Happening. Culinary and Fiber. Music suspended. A&S Championship at Wye Champions?
CHATELAINE- nothing to report.
EXCHEQUER- Checking – $6401.57, Savings – $6705.19. FCS and Storage paid through June.
CHRONICLER- nothing to report.
CHAMBERLAIN- nothing to report.
WEBSTER- nothing to report.
Gabrielle – Gold Key sorted through soon. Sergeants will be Oct. 15 with BAO. Candidates doing well, classes started.
Robert – Did stuff!
Champions Bid presented: Lunch = culinary guild. Site = Archery range.
Site fee: $7 @ 50 people = $350
Lunch: $5 @ 50 people = $250
Discussion followed. Bid voted on and accepted.
12TH NIGHT- Need decorations and site tokens. May 1st merchant apps will be accepted.
Largesse from Gwen/Gulf Wars
Junefair camping will be organized by Clan Black Stag
Vashti will reserve camping and eric space for camping events except Junefaire.

Meeting closed 7:45pm
Vashti of Wyewood, Chronicler
Megan Robertson

REMINDER: Baronial Polling is coming to your Barony on March-25 – Renew Your Memberships NOW

As printed on Page 5 of the March Crier:

Baron Robert de la Trinitie and Baroness Gabrielle Lepinay, of the Barony of Wyewood, announce their intention to hold a confidence poll at the regular business meeting on March 25, 2016 at 8pm. The Business meeting is held at the
United Christian Church, 15509 16th Ave SE, Renton WA 98058.

If PAID members of Wyewood or the Wyewood sergeantry are unable to attend this in-person polling, please contact HL Alessandra da Montefeltro, Wyewood Seneschal, at before March 12 to request an Absentee Polling form. This form will be mailed to the address on file in Milpitas. Absentee Polls must be postmarked no later than March 25 to be included.

Be aware that in order to participate in the upcoming Baronial Confidence Polling you must be a PAID SCA Member. Renew your membership before March 1st in order to participate in the March 25th poll.

In Service,

HL Alessandra da Montefeltro
Seneschal Wyewood

=== And to quote the Q and A from HL Constantine Trewpenny ===

Q: Is a polling different from a vote?
A: It is important to understand that this is not a vote. Think of the poll as an advisory to the Crown on how the populace feels. Ultimately, the Crown makes the choice They best see fit. However, it is not unrealistic to believe that the polling will be an important factor in the final decision.

Q: Do we find out the results of the poll?
A: The polling is a black-box affair. Percentages are not revealed by the Kingdom Seneschal or the Crown in any case. Upon the decision of the Crown, the Kingdom Seneschal notifies the branch as to whether the Baron and Baroness will continue or not.

Q: What happens if They are approved?
A: Upon approval, the Baron and Baroness continue for a second three-year term. It is common for the Coronets to be called into Royal Court for a brief investiture to inaugurate Their second term.

Q: And if They are not approved?
A: In the event the Crown declines to grant a  second term to the Baron and Baroness, new candidates will be sought to  fulfill the position. That process is not covered here.

Q: Why is renewing my membership necessary?
A: Only currently paid SCA members living within Wyewood or serving as a branch officer are allowed to poll. You may manage your membership through this link: SCA Members.
Remember, children with their own paid membership may be eligible to poll as well.

Q: How do I know if I live within Wyewood?
A: Trivia bit: Wyewood and Madrone are the only branches within An Tir (even when we included Avacal) that are not divided solely along political boundaries. The population of King County allows for a split that is roughly northern and southern halves. Membership (you remembered to get paid up, right?) is designated by the zip code you live in, and each branch is defined by the collection of zip codes they hold. All of the current zip codes may be found in the handy Wyewood Customary, Section 4:

Q: What if I live outside of the branch but play in Wyewood?
A: This situation is common for all the branches residing in the Puget Sound region. If you play in Wyewood but live outside the referenced zip codes, you are not eligible to poll. Currently serving officers and Sergeantry are the exception. While ineligible to poll, you may still be able to write a letter of comment. Letters of comment may or may not be considered by Kingdom; please await further information from the Seneschal as we get closer to the polling date.

Q: Wyewood has a polling date of March 25th. What may I expect to happen?
A: Save the date, and remember to bring your valid membership card as it is an in-person polling. Your completed polling form will be handed to a representative of the Crown and Kingdom Seneschal – not your baronial Seneschal.

Q: I want to learn more; or, I am just too sheepish to admit I need a new sleep aid.
A: Why believe some crank on the Internet? Go read it for yourself! Although, the document is found on the Internet, which itself becomes a conundrum, does it not?
Baronial Polling Processes

Project Day at the Greywolf Den!

Saturday, February 27th, beginning 11am

Our home is 3 miles east of archery and 1 mile due south of the social on
SE 184th St – shields will be near the mailbox to help you find your way.

Dinner will be spaghetti, bread and salad.

We have lots of area for sewing, scribal or other projcts.

Kids are welcome – we have a play room.
Fighters are welcome – we have a large backyard.
Food is welcome – we love to share.

-Liadain and Ramon

Youth Armored Combat Sunday

Just a reminder that Kat and I will be at the Renton practice tomorrow, Sunday the 21st for youth combat activities. 11 am to 2 pm Kennydale Elementary School, 1700 NE 28th S.We will try to be there on the 3rd and 1st sunday of every month.
Lady Sarah Pixie

A & S Classes offered at Wyewood this Friday

Greetings from the New Wyewood A&S Officer, Lady Constantia in der Lachun!

I would like to invite you and your friends to the very informative Heraldry class by Dame Esclarmonde de Porcairages, this Friday February 12, 2016 at the FCS (info below). This will be the first of three classes for Heraldry and other class subjects to follow. Even if you miss the first class please join us for the next ones. We will try to have class subjects for every FCS that falls on the 2nd Friday of each month. Please read on to find out more about this class coming up in TWO days!

Back by popular (and Her Excellency’s) demand! I am happy to announce a series of FCS mini-classes on basic armorial heraldry. This series will be great for those studying for sergeantry trials, those wanting to design their own devices and badges, those interested in joining the heraldic community and anyone who just likes to learn! Each lesson will be about 20-30 minutes long. I intend for these classes to take place at non-business meeting FCS’s over the next 3 months, though I can modify if there is an event that will take away a large portion of the population for an FCS.

The first lesson will take place at the February 12 FCS. It will include historical background and uses of armorial heraldry, as well as the basics about tinctures and their use. We may begin to do simple blazon practice depending on time and inclination of attendees.

In Service,

Full Contact Social (FCS) 2nd and 4th Fridays 7pm – 10pm
Where: United Christian Church
15509 116th Ave SE
Renton, WA 98058

Please join us and spread the word to other lists and to Facebook pages too.
Thank you for your support.

In Service,
Constantia in der Lachun

Baronial Polling is coming to your Barony in March

Greetings unto the Populace of Wyewood:
Our good and noble Seneschal, Lady Alessandra, has announced Wyewood’s first Baronial Confidence Polling.  Wyewood has blossomed with an abundance of new members since elevated to the status of Barony.  Since many of you may not use Kingdom Law and it’s various Appendices as a sleep aid, I thought I would provide a little Q&A to help everyone better understand how their branch works.  Ready?

Q: How is Wyewood as a Barony different from when it was a Shire?
A: The single biggest distinction between a Shire and a Barony is the presence of a Baron and Baroness (collectively called the Coronets).  Officers such as the Seneschal and Exchequer are selected by the branch, with notification sent to Kingdom.  The Coronets, on the other hand, are designated by the Crown of An Tir, and represent Their Majesties for all matters local.  The Coronets serve a term of three years.  The Coronets may choose to serve a second three-year term or step down.  For Coronets choosing to serve again, the first order of business is to notify the Crown and the Kingdom Seneschal of Their intent.

Q: So the Coronets want to go for a second term; what happens next?
A: The branch Seneschal, in cooperation with the Kingdom Seneschal, organizes a confidence polling.  The polling is an opportunity for members of the branch to express their voice as to whether the current Baron and Baroness should continue.

Q: Is a polling different from a vote?
A: It is important to understand that this is not a vote.  Think of the poll as an advisory to the Crown on how the populace feels.  Ultimately, the Crown makes the choice They best see fit.  However, it is not unrealistic to believe that the polling will be an important factor in the final decision.

Q: Do we find out the results of the poll?
A: The polling is a black-box affair.  Percentages are not revealed by the Kingdom Seneschal or the Crown in any case.  Upon the decision of the Crown, the Kingdom Seneschal notifies the branch as to whether the Baron and Baroness will continue or not.

Q: What happens if They are approved?
A: Upon approval, the Baron and Baroness continue for a second three-year term.  It is common for the Coronets to be called into Royal Court for a brief investiture to inaugurate Their second term.

Q: And if They are not approved?
A: In the event the Crown declines to grant a second term to the Baron and Baroness, new candidates will be sought to fulfill the position.  That process is not covered here.

Q: Why is renewing my membership necessary?
A: Only currently paid SCA members living within Wyewood or serving as a branch officer are allowed to poll.  You may manage your membership through this link:  Remember, children with their own paid membership may be eligible to poll as well.

Q: How do I know if I live within Wyewood?
A: Trivia bit: Wyewood and Madrone are the only branches within An Tir (even when we included Avacal) that are not divided solely along political boundaries.  The population of King County allows for a split that is roughly northern and southern halves.  Membership (you remembered to get paid up, right?) is designated by the zip code you live in, and each branch is defined by the collection of zip codes they hold.  All of the current zip codes may be found in the handy Wyewood Customary, Section 4:

Q: How do I know if I am an officer of Wyewood?
A: I should hope you would not need to ask if you were.

Q: What if I live outside of the branch but play in Wyewood?
A: This situation is common for all the branches residing in the Puget Sound region.  If you play in Wyewood but live outside the referenced zip codes, you are not eligible to poll.  Currently serving officers are the exception.  While ineligible to poll, you may still be able to write a letter of comment.  Letters of comment may or may not be considered by Kingdom; please await further information from the Seneschal as we get closer to the polling date.

Q: Wyewood has a polling date of March 25th.  What may I expect to happen?
A: As Lady Alessandra works with our Kingdom Seneschal, Magistra Julia Sempronia, the exact details of the polling will be disclosed.  Kingdom Law provides multiple mechanisms for polling, including mail-in and in-person.  Save the date, and remember to bring your valid membership card if it is an in-person polling.

Q: I want to learn more; or, I am just too sheepish to admit I need a new sleep aid.
A: Why believe some crank on the Internet?  Go read it for yourself!  Although, the document is found on the Internet, which itself becomes a conundrum, does it not?

Yours in Service,

January Business Meeting

JANUARY 1-22-16 Wyewood business meeting minutes
7:13 open
HERALD – Exciting things. A name passed: Galfred. Herald asked to attend Tir Righ Symposium. Will check budget. Gabrielle wants Mir to go.
ARCHERY- Occasionally happening. Recv’d 38 medallions (kingdom). Thrown Weapons happening 2x per month.
A&S- Reviewed submission guidelines. Classes: Budgeting for even, Esclarmonde will be doing armorial heraldry classes, Sergeantry will begin classes soon.
CHATELAINE- Nothing exciting. Looking for a deputy to take over.
RAPIER – Martin filling in, moving practice to Sundays. Get waivers!
EXCHEQUER- Checking=$7265.40, Savings= $6702.99. One check outstanding. Deposit returned for St. Bubba.
CHRONICLER- Nothing to report.
CHAMBERLAIN- Happening. Lots of storage moving around stuff.
-Gabrielle= St. Bubba’s was great! Bought more beads for award necklaces. Wyewood library going to G’s house, and getting Gold Key to inventory, repair, etc. Trying to figure out details of Serg. Trials.
-Robert = St. Bubba’s was a good event! Thank you! Polling will be mid- to late April. Doesn’t matter how you vote, just vote! Polling will be done in person, not by mail.
-Robert going to Candlemas, Urlulmas.
-Gabrielle going to Ursulmas.
88 through gate = $852.
12 NMS = $60
Total = $2071
Profit = $818!!!
Feb 1 hotel reservations begin. An Tir 12th night calendar good. Rustycon same weekend. Rent a suite for Wyewood? YES! $228 or $171?
OLD BUSINESS UPDATE: Serving ware tax = $6.33
URSULMAS – Volunteers needed, contact B&B
CHAMPIONS – August 6th. Xenos and Constantia?
ARTS UNFRAMED – Event proposal submitted. All present = yes (approved), no “nays” and no abstentions.
POLLING – Seneschal will review guidelines. Will happen in April
DAY OF DANCE – seeking feedback.
WAR PROFITS – $12.50 Avacal/Tir Righ
Meeting closed 8:34
Vashti of Wyewood, Chronicler
Megan Robertson