All posts by Webster

Event Steward’s Log

Event Steward’s Log: This will be the last log post for a while, since I am leaving to go overseas on Wednesday. Before Coronation, I updated the An Tir Calendar page I have control of to include the event website and some more Laurels who agreed to come. I asked Sofia, who made the book check-out form last year, to share the form with Alamanda, who will manage book check-out this year.
At Coronation, I posted biffy fliers for the event and plugged the event during the Laurel meeting. Well, I also plugged it any time I could in reasonable conversation, too.
Since I will be going out of town and am uncertain about my electronic access, I will post to the FB page the dates of my absence so that people are aware that I may not reply to inquiries about the event immediately.

Event Steward’s Log

Event Steward’s Log: This will be the last log post for a while, since I am leaving to go overseas on Wednesday. Before Coronation, I updated the An Tir Calendar page I have control of to include the event website and some more Laurels who agreed to come. I asked Sofia, who made the book check-out form last year, to share the form with Alamanda, who will manage book check-out this year.
At Coronation, I posted biffy fliers for the event and plugged the event during the Laurel meeting. Well, I also plugged it any time I could in reasonable conversation, too.
Since I will be going out of town and am uncertain about my electronic access, I will post to the FB page the dates of my absence so that people are aware that I may not reply to inquiries about the event immediately.

Event Steward’s Log

Event Steward’s Log: It’s been a busy week! I wrote up a letter to chatelaines to encourage them to promote the event, and sent that to the kingdom chatelaine for distribution. That letter included a letter that chatelaines could, in turn, send to individual newcomers about the event. I wrote up and sent an e-mail for advertising the Laurels and artisans that would be on site (BTW, it would be nice if people let me know if they forwarded it that, thanks!) Tymme cleverly noticed that the Laurel list was longer than the one that he put on the website and asked for a clean list so he could update the website. Since the initial publication of that list on Facebook, several Laurels and artisans have added that they are attending. So I sent him the update and we e-mail chatted about related things. Also, I made a new biffy posting for July Coronation, one aimed more at the general populace rather than those who are already experienced artisans. I don’t want people to think that this is just an event for Laurels to hobnob with each other. I ran off 3 copies and they are in a folder ready to take to coronation.

Event Steward’s Log

Event Steward’s Log, Supplemental: I make it a general policy to double-check everything; this especially means confirming things with people, even if I have exchanged messages or had conversations with them. Coming back to make sure that you have the right information or that the other person understands what you need from them can save a lot of trouble and emotional turmoil.
For example, the person at the site said I didn’t need a certain piece of paperwork that had been required by the school district last year. To be sure, I checked with the district officer person in charge of facility rental. Lo and behold, I did in fact need that piece of paperwork. Turning it in promptly saved panic later, and even cost, since this was the paperwork that allowed us to waive a janitor.
Another example is that if I am expecting instructors to come to the event, or as is the case with Arts Unframed, Laurels to come to the consult table and scavenger hunt, a couple of weeks before the event I will message them to confirm they are coming. This also serves as a reminder to them for what they signed up to do! 🙂
Basically, I think being an event steward requires a certain amount of paranoia. I assume that somebody – not everybody, but somebody – is going to forget something. So I spend some time checking in with everybody, because I do not have the psychic powers to know who that person is going to be this time.

Event Steward’s Log

Even Steward’s Log: This week has kind of been low key. I exchanged messages with some people about the event, so I’ll be able to add a couple more Laurels to the list coming. I talked with the kingdom chatelaine about promoting the event with newcomers.

Baronal polling has been extended. Please, send in your form!

Greetings all,

Please tell everyone you know who live in the borders of wyewood to send in their polling form. The crown is really looking for feedback on our selected candidates. So much so, they have extended the polling deadline for them.

The biggest issue we are probably having is that we have 4 baronies in a 40 mile radius and I’d guess, on average, half of the people who “live” in any given barony probably either play with the neighboring barony, or just on a kingdom level. In the past, people who don’t play with us have been hesitant to voice an opinion on our internal issues. But according to the SCA inc, those people *are* a part of us. (Face it. Legally…. you are stuck with us. 😉 )
Also, if your minor children are SCA members, they probably got a polling form too. While you may feel that your child is too young to have a say, their voice still counts towards our total population.

That includes people who live outside of Wyewood but play with us. Send their Magisties a missive explaining this along with your opinion of our current candidates.

So, please, please! send in your polling forms and independent letters. Even if it is simply to say something like: ” I live here but don’t play here” Or, “This individual is 6 years old and is too young to voice an opinion.” Or, “I only play at kingdom level, not local.” Or, “I play in Wyewood but don’t live there.”

Any reply….. positive, negative or neutral is much, much, *much* better than no reply at all.

IMPORTANT: While this response rate “problem” has been an major issue for us in the past, I have just (now) been assured by people in the know that a low response won’t affect our baronial status. But, it could affect the selection of who will be replacing Gabri and myself.

Since I also figure that the people who play with someone else won’t be reading this on the Wyewood lists. So I will be trying to forward this to the surrounding baronies.

Thank you for your time and attention.

In service to the Kingdom, Crown and the Barony.

Baron Robert (de la) Trinitie (the chickenhearted)
Baron of Wyewood.

Gabrielle Lepinay.
Baroness Wyewood.

Event Steward’s Log

Event Steward’s Log: This last week I have been focusing on getting the word out about what Laurels and artisans will be at Arts Unframed. Since one significant draw of the event is who is there to hobnob with, I want to get that info out well in advance of the event. Part of this meant checking with several of those Laurels to see what their preferred title is (Dame, Mistress, etc.). Once I had that all together, I posted the list on the An Tir Calendar page and on the Facebook page, and sent the info to Tymme to add to the event’s website. I want to send out an e-mail as well, but I’d like to compose a good intro for it so maybe that will happen in a day or two. Additionally, I chatted with a person with some marketing education about how I can aim some of the marketing at newcomers/ people who are new to the arts. They had some great ideas like words to use in ads and working with chatelaines. I hope to implement some of those withing a couple of weeks!

June Business Meeting


HERALD: Mir not present. Needs/want to train more voice/court Heralds.
BARONIAL MARSHAL/ARCHERY: We got a special mention in a video by Glymm Mere. When asked if they feared Wye archers the response was YES!
We are defending Glymm Mere against BAO in Honey War.
Wye’s Geoffrey won the novelty shoot at Junefaire. Wyewoodians brought home lots of prizes, YAY!
4 July shoot, 10-1pm. Rignach bring a grill.
RAPIER: Martin not present.
A&S: Happening.
Music practice – various Mondays throughout the month, Lady Matillis, avg 2ppl.
Fiber Night – meetings held first Thursday of the month, Dame Esclarmonde, avg 4ppl.
Culinary –meetings held fourth Wednesday of the month, Constantia in der Lachun, avg 4ppl.
Scribal – various days throughout the month, Lady Alamanda, 2ppl.
3rd Heraldry class had 9 people.
Future class: How to write a A&S paper.
CHATELAINE: All’s quiet.
EXCHEQUER: No outstanding checks. Church and Storage need to be paid for next 6 months.
CHECKING = $6537.19
SAVINGS = $6708.59
CHRONICLER: Caught up on backlog of minutes.
CHAMBERLAIN: Storage is fine. Avine wonders if we have renter’s insurance? SCA insurance covers our storage.
WEBSTER: Isadora sent in her report.
BARONESS: Honey War: Wye archers offered to Glymm Mere. Offer accepted.
Sergeantry Badge passed conflict check. Received mote Gold Key. Baroness is very pleased with the B&B candidates.
BARON: Replacement process continuing. He has some glass tokens for the game box. Last court should be at Champions. He will day-trip Coronation.
Sophia asks B&B about Sergeantry Trials, who and where and when? Answer seems to be: No one, nowhere, and will not be happening this year since our last candidate has dropped out!
Baroness calls for populace to consider being Sergeants!
-Wyewood Champions: No update. Reaching out to Alamanda for help with invitations for local B&Bs. Archery has the format for Archery Champion Tourney and will post to email and social media.
-Arts Unframed: May need new person for gate if Constantine can’t be there. Liadainn volunteers to cover gate if necessary. Has paperwork from the school district. Lots of Laurels signed up to participate in the scavenger hunt and consult tables. Website is up and Crier copy is in.
-12th Night: One merchant signed up. Alamanda is making/getting tokens. Kate is doing decorations.
-Feast of St Bubba: Pre-planning meeting soon. Rignach is the head cook.
-POLLING: Send your forms in by June 30!!!!

-Project day at Greywolf July 10.
-Scribal days at Alamanda’s: this Sunday at 1pm and Sunday July3 at 1pm.

Vashti of Wyewood, Chronicler
Megan Robertson

Event Steward’s Log

Event Steward’s Log: This week I received the estimate for billing from the school district. Thanks to the on-site person liking us last year, we again won’t have to pay for a custodian at all. I did forget that charge us for heat/air conditioning, but that’s about the same cost as I had built into the budget for a custodian “just in case” so that’s OK, budget-wise. I also submitted copy for the event to the Crier, and continued to do some clean-up of my laurel volunteer list (just formatting, but it makes it easier to find what I want later).

Event Steward’s Log

Event Steward’s Log: Looking at last year’s paperwork, I noticed that last year I had filled out a “Principal’s Designee” form, which is what allowed us to get away with not paying a custodian since I was the designated employee on site. I asked the on-site person at my school if I needed one filled out this year and he said no. I checked with the person who handles rental billing at the district office and they said yes, and sent me a blank form. I filled it out, scanned it, and e-mailed it back. The district person kindly confirmed receipt. I think that means she has everything now.

I posted to the Facebook pages of An Tir Laurels and Western Region Laurels asking for people who were willing to be on the Laurel Scavenger Hunt or A&S Consult table. Those who responded I added to my continuing list, again including what activity they wanted to do. We had a Western Region Laurel meeting on Sunday, at which I got a few more volunteers. After the meeting I added them to the list as well.

Esclarmonde de Porcairages