Sorry for the lateness of the report, was having too much fun get ready for
and being at Daffodil Archery shoot!
We had great weather, enough so that the smell of sunscreen was strong in
the air at the beginning of practice.
Eighteen archers attended and many shot Royal Rounds! Something to note;
No one reported a score under 62, so everyone was at least Bowman ranking
which is darn impressive.
To the Scores!
Tomas Mac Donnchaidh: 68
Daffyd de Doake: 91
Tristan de Ver: 87
Irene McKenny: 62
Tristan de Ver: 80
Tymme Lytefelow: 96
Evrard de Valogne: 93
Period Open:
Gervais Blakglove: 74
Period Longbow:
Wulfwyn Aethulwulfsdottir: 62
Period Crossbow:
Christopher McEveny: 63
All scores were reported to the scorekeeper on 4/25.
In service,
Evrard de Valogne