Event Steward’s Log: Looking at last year’s paperwork, I noticed that last year I had filled out a “Principal’s Designee” form, which is what allowed us to get away with not paying a custodian since I was the designated employee on site. I asked the on-site person at my school if I needed one filled out this year and he said no. I checked with the person who handles rental billing at the district office and they said yes, and sent me a blank form. I filled it out, scanned it, and e-mailed it back. The district person kindly confirmed receipt. I think that means she has everything now.
I posted to the Facebook pages of An Tir Laurels and Western Region Laurels asking for people who were willing to be on the Laurel Scavenger Hunt or A&S Consult table. Those who responded I added to my continuing list, again including what activity they wanted to do. We had a Western Region Laurel meeting on Sunday, at which I got a few more volunteers. After the meeting I added them to the list as well.
Esclarmonde de Porcairages