Barony of Wyewood
Business Meeting – April 24, 2015
Minutes taken by Gabrielle Lepinay
HERALD: Awards passed, many things in progress. Court report from Spring Faire and Ithra sent in.
RAPIER: Happened. Cancelled tomorrow. Gabri willing to marshal future practices as needed.
CHRONICLER: Resume submitted by Vashti. She was a member of the Communist Party. Gabri asked why she wanted to be a chronicler and she gave excellent reasons and experience. Voted unanimimous for all members present. (6 ½ with baron absent.)
CHAMBERLAIN: Keys should go to seneschal, chamberlain, exchequer and B&B. Only have 3 keys. Need to bump issue to Etienette – action item taken by seneschal. All is well. Stuff is in storage.
ARCHERY: Strong practice with 34 attending, many newcomers. Quiver class was a success.
A&S: No report: Thread workers, culinary, scribal happening.
CHATELAINE: Nothing to report.
EXCHEQUER: Quarterly report sent in, and balanced. We have money.
WEBSTER: Website exists. Working on calendar stability. Checking into hosting everything on
BARONAGE: Baroness War a successful event. Support of many creating largess and supporting the B&B let Wyewood shine. Thomas shot archery for us, and some might great mercinaries fought armored and rapier. The baroness was allowed to shoot arrows and hit people with swords. Emergency coronet made during event a success, and stored with B&B supplies.
Applications for Chronicler: See officer report.
Mar 21-2015 Spring Fair and Ithra- Alamanda absent. Isadora reported NMS check written. The event at the very least broke even. Working on final numbers.
August 8-2015… Champions (Vashti) Event proposal corrected and approved. Need commitment to clean up, and someone or someones attending Crown and June Faire to take flyers to advertise.
Sept26-2015… Arts Unframed (Dame Esclarmonde) Waiting insurance certificate, site secured. Will advertise heavily at Junefaire.
Jan-2017… 12th Night. Per Liadinn there will be no update until after May Crown.
January 16-2016 … Yule “Feast of Saint Bubba” bid (Avine) Possilbe classes, dance, rapier. Discussion of $10 vs $15 feast feee. Discussion in favor of $10. Several options presented. Will revamp and represent at next meeting.
Autocrat/ Event Steward files are on Website- worksheets on site under document.s.
Please let Lady Kira know ASAP is you want to camp with Wyewood at An Tir- West on Facebook or through Baroness or Seneschal.
The Baron will be taking the field at An Tir- West. Evrard requests surcoat be made to make him look good. Haldora/ Nicole volunteered to do this.
Registration is needed for camping with Wyewood at June Faire. Space on the eric also reserved by Ramona- donations for hospitality table very welcome.
Meeting closes.